I am so happy I found your newsletter :)

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Thanks Dahlia! I so appreciate you leaving this comment! Don't you think there's this expectation that we can and should "fix" our kids immediately to fit all behavioral norms and this ideal of the perfectly behaving kid: "what a good kid!". And it can bring so much unnecessary stress because it's not realistic. They are humans too:-)

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Exactly! I look forward to reading more of your newsletter!

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Hooray for less anxious motherhood! We are living in Italy for two semesters while my husband works on his master's degree. As an American mom, it's a revelation to go to the playground and find other kids just... playing. At home we were usually alone on the playground, and if we weren't, the other parents were mostly absorbed in their phones. Here, I see moms, dads, and grandparents encouraging their kids to play with one another! And the older kids are great with my little one. I love it.

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