Feeling like you can't hear your thoughts, anxious, forgetful or overwhelmed? Instead of hoarding mom to-dos & goals for better 2025, declutter mentally like a Nordic.
I feel I was Finnish parenting as a single working mom with my first 2 kids. I also carried zero guilt! I remember having one rude and nosey mom sanctimoniously tell me how sad it was my daughter “missed out” because she didn’t participate in all the Girl Scouts activities because “I worked so much”. The truth was my daughter didn’t want to do any more with them than she was but the US mom way meant I was failing from her perspective. I have always been grateful social media wasn’t so prevalent then. It really brings upon feelings of inadequacy for moms in many cases.
The guilt thing is huge! Letting go of that is definitely the biggest achievement - especially as the guilt tends to come from completely unnecessary things like "missing out" on a meet or practice. And... no one ever says that to a dad. Dads don't have #dadfails. I'm so glad I discovered my native ways after having kids in the US for these same reasons!
I feel pretty successful with what I can and can’t do/keep up with, but struggle mostly with play dates. Everything seems to need supervision and organization. I have 3 kids ages 14, 12, and 10. My oldest daughter is 14 and she has autism. So that has changed how and when we can entertain other people’s kids.
Oh you will love the Part 2! Half of that is devoted to just this topic--that, I agree, can take an astronomical amount of time and really is an unpaid executive assistant position. And, based on your words "entertain", I'll now add even more about what to do about having other people's kids over! Your kids are at the ages now where you could do this all the Nordic-inspired way.
I feel I was Finnish parenting as a single working mom with my first 2 kids. I also carried zero guilt! I remember having one rude and nosey mom sanctimoniously tell me how sad it was my daughter “missed out” because she didn’t participate in all the Girl Scouts activities because “I worked so much”. The truth was my daughter didn’t want to do any more with them than she was but the US mom way meant I was failing from her perspective. I have always been grateful social media wasn’t so prevalent then. It really brings upon feelings of inadequacy for moms in many cases.
The guilt thing is huge! Letting go of that is definitely the biggest achievement - especially as the guilt tends to come from completely unnecessary things like "missing out" on a meet or practice. And... no one ever says that to a dad. Dads don't have #dadfails. I'm so glad I discovered my native ways after having kids in the US for these same reasons!
I feel pretty successful with what I can and can’t do/keep up with, but struggle mostly with play dates. Everything seems to need supervision and organization. I have 3 kids ages 14, 12, and 10. My oldest daughter is 14 and she has autism. So that has changed how and when we can entertain other people’s kids.
Oh you will love the Part 2! Half of that is devoted to just this topic--that, I agree, can take an astronomical amount of time and really is an unpaid executive assistant position. And, based on your words "entertain", I'll now add even more about what to do about having other people's kids over! Your kids are at the ages now where you could do this all the Nordic-inspired way.