Oh I love this. Even just my parents’ generation had way more independence. Their parents didn’t feel the need to know their exact location every moment. I miss that for my children but it’s very hard to know where to start in a city as big as London. Even crossing the road by our house seems a big step!

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Thanks Catherine! It seems like a massive shift happened between our parents and us - and how our kids are being raised - big cities are a challenge for sure. In NYC, I feel like I can’t let them out of my sight as it’s so unpredictable even for a grownup. Small walkable cities and neighborhoods are ideal -but in London, I’d probably let them lead & observe from behind: crossing the street, getting a bus a few stops, going to a small grocery store, and doing tons of independent at home (in the US, the boys do their own lunches, laundry, and are starting to plan their own play dates - it’s funny they text the friends’ parents and keep me in the chain.

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